When you tap Play on the Themed Event screen, you will be taken to the Equipment screen to make preparations before starting the mission. You can equip various equipment and skins at the bottom of the screen, and the point total review can be seen on the right.
You can change your equipment by tapping the equipment button in the bottom-left corner. Here, you will be able to select the equipment you use in the mission. You can change the equipment category by tapping one of the buttons above the equipment shown at the bottom of the screen. You can upgrade your equipment on the right in the same way that you would on the Campaign Weapons screen. The stats that the equipment provides is shown on the right of the screen. You can tap each stat to find out more about what they do.
Next, you can change your equipment skin by tapping the relevant button at the bottom of the screen. Here, you can purchase various skins that change the look of your character and give you various buffs (these can be seen on the right of the screen). Once purchased, you can equip a skin by tapping the relevant button in the bottom-right corner. Once equipped, you will see how many plays you have remaining before you have to purchase the skin again. Note that if you equip another skin whilst you have plays remaining on your current skin, you will lose the opportunity to use that skin for the remaining plays and it will need to be purchased again. With this, be sure to use all the plays on a skin before equipping a new one so nothing is lost.
You can change your weapon by tapping the weapon button at the bottom of the screen. Here, you will be able to select the weapon you use in the mission. You can upgrade your weapon on the right in the same way that you would on the Campaign Weapons screen. The stats that the weapon provides is shown on the right.
Finally, you can change your weapon skin by tapping the relevant button at the bottom of the screen. This works exactly like the equipment skins. Note that the currently equipped skin applies to all weapons and you do not have to buy a new skin for each weapon.
On the right, you will see an end timer, a cycle timer, and a point total review. The end timer indicates the remaining time for the event, once this time is up, the event will be over and no further contributions can be made. The cycle timer indicates when the missions will change. The āiā button to the right provides further information on the current event. The point total review shows what contributes toward the max amount of points that can be earned in the mission. You can tap on each stat for more information. You can also tap the ā+ā icons to be taken to equipment that will assist with increasing the max point total.
There is also a clipboard icon in the top-right that shows an Event Scoring screen. This shows how many points can be earned in the mission along with any currently equipped buffs to assist. You can tap on each of the stats for more information.
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